David's Exhibition
Thursday, April 26, 2007
eLearning homework
Global Idea: Sharing the Planet
Central Idea: We are responsible for determing the
causes of change in our natural Environment.
Our group focus: Waste
Title: It's our world and we're responsible for it.
Pollution is a contamination of earth’s environment with materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the national functionity of ecosystems.
Our group will discuss about the issue of our responsibility for determining causes of changes in our natural environment. It has been a major world we share and use our planet, earth.
- To utilize the waste and change them into usefulness.
- To be more attentive to ward the environment we use around us
- To take part in saving the earth
Almost everyday all of us throw away trash. As you can probably imagine this adds up to a lot of garbage. So, we choose the topic about waste. There are a number of different types of waste. It can exist as a solid, liquid, gas, or as waste heat. Some components of waste can be recycled once recovered from the waste stream.
Plastic bottles
Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycle, or disposal of waste materials, usually ones produced by human activity, in an effort to reduce their effects on human health or local aesthetics or amenity.
i. Landfill: Disposing of waste in a landfill
ii. Incineration: Is a waste disposal method that involves combustion of
waste at high temperature. Convert waste into heat.
Example: Burning wood to produce energy
iii. Recycling : Means to recover for other use a material
that would otherwise be considered waste. The raw
material from this waste can be used again.
Example: Alumunium, wood waste, beverage
can, steel, food and aerosol can, HDPE/PET plastic
bottles, glass bottles, board, newspaper, plastic
iv. Composting: An anaerobic digestion: waste materials that are
organic in nature are put through a composting
and / or digestion system to control the biological
process to decompost the organic matter and kill
pathogens. The resulting stabilize organic materials
is then recycled as mulch or compost for
agricultural or landscaping purpose.
v.Pyrolysis and Gasification are: 2 related form of thermal
treatment where
waste materials are heated to high
temperature with limited oxygen
availability, a sealed vessel under
high pressure. Converting material
to energy.
- BIOCYCLE MAY 2004, VOL. 45, no. 5, p. 22 http://www.jgpress.com/archives/_free.000184.html
- Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005
- Waste http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste
Biomass is organic material made from plants and animals. Biomass contains stored energy from the sun. Plants absorb the sun's energy in a process called photosynthesis. Biomass is a renewable energy source because we can always grow more trees and crops, and waste will always exist. Some examples of biomass fuels are wood, crops, manure, and some garbage.
When burned, the chemical energy in biomass is released as heat. If you have a fireplace, the wood you burn in it is a biomass fuel. Wood waste or garbage can be burned to produce steam for making electricity, or to provide heat to industries and homes. ( for stoves )
Wood was used by early humans to make tools, hunting weapons, shelter, fire, and furniture like tables, chairs, desks. In 2002, 3.38 billion cu m ( 119 billion cu ft ) of wood were harvestedfrom forests worldwide.
Biomass-Energy from plant and animal matter http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energyfacts/sources/renewable/biomass.html Biomass energy http://www.oregon.gov/energy/renew/Biomass/BiomassHome.shtml Wood/wind waste, 2007 http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar.renewables/page/wood/wood.html
The shortage of oil fuel which is caused by a significant increase of world oil price has pushed the government to invite all communities in order to solve the energy problem. Increasing price of oil fuel up to US$ 58 was an extraordinary because it usually happened in cold seasons in a number of countries that have four seasons like Europe and USA. This problem is very complicated to the community as mentioned by SBY in the meeting with a number of governors in Pontianak and at the same time he invited the community to do economizing on energy resources all over the nation.
The economizing energy resources is supposed to be done a long time ago because the fuel supply is originated from petroleum produce from fossil energy which is non renewable, on the other hand fuel demand keeps increasing and sawdust the price therefore its create instability between supply and demand. The only way to economize the oil fuel is by finding or searching other alternative renewable energy sources. Plant Pollen like sawdust and chaff, all these days they are only treated as invaluable waste. But now, these waste materials can be used as one of the alternative fuel resources in order to replace kerosene and gas that are tend to be more expensive in the future. The use of plant pollen such as sawdust and chaff as stove fuel was invented by Ahmad Sucipto from Sutamaja village, Brebes. The stove using sawdust and chaff as fuel is named biomass stove. The biomass stove has the same system as kerosene stove. The stove shape is like a tube, with is 43,5 cm height and the diameter of 29,5 cm inside the stove there is a smaller stove to keep the sawdust or the chaff. The stove can be lighted by flaming the sawdust or the chaff from the hole besides the tube. There are some communities in a number of villages that have already used those materials for fuels under traditional methods using traditional stove which is some time produced uncontrollable smokes. Because of that, he wants to pack these two traditional fuel materials into a more practical fuel material that can be used by society of all levels. Exceedingly he owns his rice mill and he often sees rice chaff thrown away. Finally Ahmad make many experiments that lead him to the biomass stove. Biomass stove produces red flames, but it does not make smoke. For one tube requires 1,25 kg of sawdust or chaff. With that amount of plant fuel materials, the flame can last for 2 hours. The intensity of flame from the biomass stove can be arranged, it depends of the requirements. He thinks that the used of biomass stove is more economical compared to kerosene stove. And in addition to that, the nominal of heat calories that is produced is also larger. The result from the comparison that has been carried out, he found that to boil one pan 1 liter of water until it is boiling using kerosene stove needs 32 minutes. But using biomass stove, it can be done for only 18 minutes. The needs fuel for poor people especially in the village, are supplied with kerosene that is cheap, because it is subsidized by government. But due to it is used for industrial or other purposes sometimes the shortage of kerosene supply in the market appears. Besides that the people who live near the forest try to find firewood, from dry branches or even cut down forbidden trees, that sooner or later threats the natures conservation near the forest area.
Nurbiayanti, Siwi, Kompas, Senin 2 April 2007 http://www.kompas.com/ver1/Iptek/0704/02/114707.htm
Pikiran Rakyat, 5 April 2006 http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/cetak/2006/042006/05/0316.htm
Rahman, Burhani, Biogas, Sumber energi alternatif, Kompas, 8 Agustus 2005
What is it like?
It is a biomass stove which use sawdust as a fuel
How does it work?
It can produce heat for cooking with a low price
Why is it the way it is?
Because we burn a compact mask of sawdust in the stove (can)
How is it changing?
We can reduce harvesting forest which can make much kind of disaster.
How is it connected to other thing?
If we can use the waste sawdust to produce energy we can help poor people to get something to replace kerosene and help government to prevent deforestation and minimize pollution
What are the different points of view?
Government: It is a good way to economize the oil fuel so we can help the government to economize energy resources.
People: Especially poor people can be helped to change kerosene
Environment: Make spotless city and reforesting
Me: It is very attractive and interesting to learn how to make waste become useful and can help people in a simple way.
What is it our responsibility?
Of course. We must be responsible to our environment and must care the suffer of people around us.
How do we know?
Because there are many waste and they are only treated as invaluable waste but now that waste material can be used as one of the alternative fuel resources in order to replace kerosene.
Now I will make a simple biomass stove and a sawdust briquette which can be used as fuel.
1. Simple Biomass Stove
Cookies can
2 pieces of bamboo
Make a hole 5 cm beneath. Open the cover and make a hole at the center 10cm Take 2 pieces of bamboo, place the first piece in the middle of the can vertically and place the other piece through the hole under the can horizontally so that it touch the first piece.
Pour the sawdust into the can from above until it is full and punch it until compact.Dry it under the sun until the sawdust dry.
Turn and release the 2 pieces of bamboo carefully without damaging the sawdust shape. So the stove has L shaped tunnel. To light the stove, take a piece of dry wood and dip it into kerosene, then put it at the bottom hole of the stove. Light it by using matches thrown from the top hole.
The sawdust will burn slowly. When the middle of sawdust colors light red, the wood can be pulled out. The stove will produce constant heat .If more heat is needed put more wood at the bottom hole.
We can make stove with another way, after we make hole beneath and at the top, put 4 screw around the stove and then put the metal holed inside Put the sawdust briquette inside the can
2. Sawdust Briquette
- 1 kg starch powder.
- 5 liters water
- Sawdust (We can get the sawdust at Jl. Baru , Jl. Raya Bogor Sukabumi, Jl. Raya Parung, etc.
- Mold with a hole in the center
- 1kg starch powder mix with 2 liters water.
- Boil the water left and then pour the mixture to the boiling water
- Stir it until you get thick mass like glue
- Keep cool
- Mix 1 kg sawdust with 1 kg of mixture until mixed
- Pour into the mold (depends on necessity)
- Press until compact
- Release it and dry it under the sunshine for about 1 day
- Put it in the oven until dry
ROSADI, Imron, 26 April 2007, Pengelola Energi Alternatif (PEAL), Jabar, Sumedang
After I do this experiment I get a lot of knowledge and I am surprised that I can change waste to be useful things. In my experiment I face many troubles when I made sawdust briquette which often brake or the stove failed to burn because the briquette is still wet inside.
I tried to be creative to handle the problems. It is very interesting because I can make my own stove and discover new things.
If we are success to make compost, paper recycling, and biomass stove we will tell people around us to use the waste and make them more useful, so:
It will reduce waste-pollution and make a spotless city,
Change wasting material to be very useful material,
Help people to have income/creating home industry,
Cost saving, and
Help government to reduce pollution, harvesting forest which can make much kind disaster.
David put pictures.
aditya grade 3.
Where is your bibliography? Please use paragraphs. You have not finished all of your homework. It is due Monday.
Where is your 1st inquiry? I cannot see it so your results are 0.
Thanks David for catching up and putting this work on your blog. I want you to write in your own words and I can see where you have done that in some areas. Don't be tempted to copy and paste. The faster you can get into a good habit of writing your own words the better off you will be next year. I need to you put your second inquiry up and label it clearly as My Second Inquiry so that I can mark it. Mrs Jane
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