David's Exhibition
Monday, May 14, 2007
The timeline for the Exhibition
Time line
12-21 March: Discuss some information about our project in a group.
22 March-27April: Determine each person's duty.
30 March: I choose to make paper recycling.
31 March: I start to search the information.
31 March-7April: I collect the information and try to make rough draft.
9 April: I give my rough draft to Bu Maytha.
10-18 April: I start to make paper recycling.
19 April: I am suggested by Ms Jane to make a different topic with my friend.
20 April: I try to get another topic.
21 April: My mom suggested me to make a biomass stove.
22 April: My mom and me start to get information from the internet, newspaper, TV.
23-25 April: I arrange a report and get information about the place whee we can make biomass stove.
26 April: I go to Sumedang to meet Mr.Imron (PEAL JABAR/pengelola Energi Alternatif) to get more information and see how to make biomass stove
28 April:I start to make biomass stove and sawdust briquette by my self
30 April I give the procedure to my friends
May:-Share each persons experiment
-I try to collect good result and record them on multimedia
-Submit th paper to the teacher
-Discuss again about our exhibition day
-Ready for everything
-Exhibition Day!
12-21 March: Discuss some information about our project in a group.
22 March-27April: Determine each person's duty.
30 March: I choose to make paper recycling.
31 March: I start to search the information.
31 March-7April: I collect the information and try to make rough draft.
9 April: I give my rough draft to Bu Maytha.
10-18 April: I start to make paper recycling.
19 April: I am suggested by Ms Jane to make a different topic with my friend.
20 April: I try to get another topic.
21 April: My mom suggested me to make a biomass stove.
22 April: My mom and me start to get information from the internet, newspaper, TV.
23-25 April: I arrange a report and get information about the place whee we can make biomass stove.
26 April: I go to Sumedang to meet Mr.Imron (PEAL JABAR/pengelola Energi Alternatif) to get more information and see how to make biomass stove
28 April:I start to make biomass stove and sawdust briquette by my self
30 April I give the procedure to my friends
May:-Share each persons experiment
-I try to collect good result and record them on multimedia
-Submit th paper to the teacher
-Discuss again about our exhibition day
-Ready for everything
-Exhibition Day!
posted by David at 7:45 AM
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